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Windell OskayKeymasterOpening Inkscape for the first time, you may need to right-click on the Inkscape icon in your Applications folder, and then select “Open” from the pop-up menu there.
Have you been able to print the “AxiDraw First” example file successfully?
Windell OskayKeymasterI’d suggest following similar spacing to what we have on the Octolively boards.
Windell OskayKeymasterIf you want to control 128 sensors and LEDs, you’ll need 128 inputs, and 128 outputs. If you’re arranging these like the Octolively does, with one IR LED per sensor, you’ll also need 128 outputs for those LEDs. Not sure how you get there with 15 extra I/O pins through your shield plus ~14 extra LED outputs.
Windell OskayKeymaster@OldFarmer: This is not a related issue; I’m going to close and lock this topic after this reply. If you have additional questions, please start a fresh discussion topic.
(And to answer your question, the Legacy AxiDraw does not use the same software as V2 and V3. Please use the original software for your machine.)Windell OskayKeymasterNo, the mode buttons are intentionally not linked. You can hook them all together with a wire if you like; some people have done that.
Windell OskayKeymasterA new ATmega164 comes with the fuses set to run on the internal oscillator. The fuse settings are essentially independent of your code– if you set the fuse bits to continue using the internal oscillator, then it will continue to use the internal oscillator. If you set the fuse bits to require an external crystal, then you’ll need an external crystal compatible with the fuse settings that you apply.
Windell OskayKeymasterThe microcontroller in the Octolively kits comes preprogrammed (via its fuse bits) to use the internal oscillator, rather than an external crystal.
Windell OskayKeymasterWe’ve seen an abnormally large number of bug and issue reports from people in a few different reporting locations (forums, user groups, formal bug reports), and we are temporarily advising against upgrading, especially on Mac. (I have every confidence in the Inkscape team to work things out, but it may take a quick bug-fix release before things are genuinely stable.)
Windell OskayKeymasterI’d advise trying without the power supply plugged in until that you’ve established contact. Try a different USB cable as well, if you have one.
One other thing that you can try is to open up a terminal and try ls /dev/cu.usbmodem* , to see if the EBB is registering there.If this is for one of our EggBot kits and you still can’t establish contact, please contact customer service directly– it might be worth the effort to send it back to us for diagnosis/repair.Windell OskayKeymasterIf you can understand the reason for the dropout better, you’ll likely understand what the right remedy is. Yes, adding extra capacitors near the power supply lines of touchy components is often helpful. But, your power supply likely has much larger capacitors on its output than you can add there. And, if it’s dropping out for macroscopic amounts of time, capacitors won’t help. I’m not sure what your diodes would be for.
Windell OskayKeymasterYou might want to measure the actual current draw on those servos. A quick search on the internet suggests that they might draw as much as 1.2 A peak, and if so, your power supply may not be sufficient– even if you add some beefy capacitors.
Windell OskayKeymasterWe are working on a new extension that is able to convert paragraph text into single stroke text, in the Hershey Text style, with a limited set of fonts. However, since it is using different fonts, there will never be an exact layout match. (Linebreaks/enter can be used to help out with this, of course.)
We do have several examples of regular fonts written with fountain pen on the AxiDraw product page.Windell OskayKeymasterWe have not finished testing it. (It will work, but does not yet.) I would advise holding off for another week until we have a chance to give it the full workup. (We’re also finishing up a round of other software updates.)
January 8, 2017 at 7:17 pm in reply to: possible workflow? .tex => .dvi => .svg => Inkscape => AxiDraw #22765Windell OskayKeymasterIt’s plausible, but not necessarily easy. Converting from dvi to svg is a specialized operation. I tried to install a program called dvisvgm, but only allowed about half an hour to try to round up and install the dependencies, and did not get it running. Perhaps you are more patient.
I use pdflatex, and going this route (importing PDF into Inkscape) was relatively straightforward. A couple of tips: (1) use the “Poppler” style import. (2) After import, ungroup all objects (possibly more than once) and use Edit > Clone > Unlink Clone to render all of the symbols independently. Having done this, I was able to print. I was also able to use dvips to convert DVI to postscript, and was able to import that to Inkscape the same way as the PDF.
Windell OskayKeymasterCan you please say which version of RoboPaint you are using?