Windell Oskay

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  • in reply to: NO RESPONSE FROM SERVO #22437
    Windell Oskay

    Is it the version with the clear acrylic frame?

    in reply to: NO RESPONSE FROM SERVO #22435
    Windell Oskay

    Which model of EggBot is it (other than old)?

    It is possible that the jerky movement is due to the motor current setting. When energized, the pen arm should be moveable with gentle pressure, but should not “fall over”. If it is too hard to move (which could cause jerkiness) then you may want to turn it down a little. 
    Otherwise, try a slower movement setting, to see if it can perform well at a lower speed.
    in reply to: Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects #22458
    Windell Oskay

    Oh! Yes, that would totally do it. Glad there’s a reasonable explanation. :)

    Windell Oskay

    It sounds like you may have a bad servo motor. Please contact us directly at customer service, so that we can get a new one sent out to you:

    Windell Oskay

    Interesting– I don’t think that I have a ready explanation for what could cause that.

    Do you get the same behavior when running a test print? 
    in reply to: Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects #22455
    Windell Oskay

    Hmmm. All of the settings should be purely deterministic, and it should work exactly the same way every single time that you print the same design. If something is not coming out consistent, it’s hard to imagine what the issue might be.

    Do you suppose that you could try some tests to help determine under what circumstances this occurs– for example printing something simple (maybe just a circle or square) over and over on the same ornament, to see if it’s consistent? If you could get more information about what might be triggering it, I might be able to figure out how to fix it.

    (Also, for spheres, the motor height should be fully up– both motor shafts pointed directly at the center of the sphere.)
    in reply to: Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects #22453
    Windell Oskay

    This effect is actually due to map projection, from the different effective radii of curvature on the two axes. 

    Please see here for more, and recommended workarounds:
    in reply to: NO RESPONSE FROM SERVO #22433
    Windell Oskay

    Can you please check the bottom side of the board, to see if there’s any sign of damage (or perhaps a missing solder joint?). Also, check the top side for any loose components or bent pins. 

    Assuming that you don’t find anything, please contact customer service directly:
    in reply to: Is a kit available soon? #22452
    Windell Oskay

    The design of one of our products that is meant to be assembled by the end user is often quite different than the design for assembly at our shop. The present version of the AxiDraw is not particularly suitable for assembly as a kit. (There was, in fact, a previous version of the AxiDraw that was a DIY kit.) 

    We are also looking at a new DIY kit version of the AxiDraw — a sibling model, redesigned specifically for people who like to build kits.
    in reply to: Unwanted lines drawn #22443
    Windell Oskay

    None of your software needs to be updated– this is not a software version issue. Your EBB version is also fine (unless you manually updated it). The suggestion that I made about the new version was only to add the updated version of the fill extension– you already have the latest version of the main EggBot control extension.

    Would you consider sending the file here for us to test? If so, please compress it (zip file) and send it to us by e-mail. We could check to see if the problem is reproducible here.
    in reply to: Unwanted lines drawn #22441
    Windell Oskay

    There are two possibilities that I can see:

    1. Those lines are actually in your drawing. (Eggbot sees all lines, whether or not you do.)  To find out, select all in your drawing (Edit menu > Select all in all layers), and then in your Fill and Stroke panel (Object menu > Fill and stroke), set the stroke paint to “flat color”, and in the stroke style tab, select a consistent width (say, 4 px).
    2. Your pen is raising too slow, or you are lowering it too fast. Play with the delays in the timings tab, if this is the case.
    Also, it’s not in any official release yet, (and I mention this because you’ve already done a manual install…) but if you download the latest version of the EggBot source code (“Download ZIP” on this page: ), the new version has a much-improved hatch fill extension.
    in reply to: fonts in Greek #22430
    Windell Oskay


    in reply to: AxiDraw Software #22440
    Windell Oskay

    We’re still getting all of the last details completed in terms of installers and docs. 

    – There will be an installer for the Inkscape extension, along with documentation. If you know how to manage a manual install, you’re welcome to get a head start. ;)
    – Yes, you want an SVG file that consists only of paths. You can definitely create that in Illustrator.  I would recommend starting (always!) with the Letter or A4 templates in Inkscape, and importing your work onto those templates.
    in reply to: NO RESPONSE FROM SERVO #22431
    Windell Oskay

    We do test the servo output on the EBBs before we send them out, so it should have been working at least in recent history. Double check the orientation, and that you have it connected into the right port on the EBB. You should not have to update the firmware, nor the Inkscape extension. 

    Is the servo acting energized? Does it “jerk” to a new position when you power on the EBB?
    in reply to: fonts in Greek #22428
    Windell Oskay

    Hi Nick, 

    The AxiDraw itself does not have any built-in fonts. The AxiDraw uses system-installed truetype fonts, which can include Greek fonts, if they are installed on your computer.
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