Hi there
Allow me to add my two cents..
I own an AxiDraw SE/A3.
The servo is indeed the machine’s weakest component.
Mine lasted less than 100 working hours. :-|
The worst, however, is that if you are unlucky enough to live outside the US
( ಠ‸ಠ )ノ
you will likely wait for
! more than 1/2 a year !
to get replacement. (robotshop order started Oct’21, delivered May ’22)
( ಠ‸ಠ )ノ
To add insult to injury, evilmadscientist support let me know they would send me free replacement if I were a US resident.
(I still got the mail, folks..)
No luck there being a EU resident.
So I exercised Buddha-like patience and finally got 2 replacement servos – AFTER MORE THAN 200 DAYS.
I would thank evilmadscientist.com for their effort but I do not think that thanks are appropriate here.