This is our dining table. We built it because we needed a new dining table, and I guess we’re just that kind of people. It has a frosted glass top lit by 448 multicolored LEDs that respond, in a complex and gentle fashion, to input generated by motion above the table while we eat.We showed it off at the Maker Faire. Click on the photo to get to see some other photos of the table construction. Lenore was interviewed about the table at the faire, see Lenore’s CNET inteview.
POV-Ray for Mere Mortals [Maker Faire 2006]
I gave a computer graphics tutorial at the MakerFaire about making 3D graphics using POV-Ray, a free, cross-platform ray-tracing program. I called it POV-Ray for Mere Mortals.
What Makes Atomic Clocks Tick? [Maker Faire 2006]
I gave a short presentation at the 2006 Makerfaire entitled What Makes Atomic Clocks Tick?, giving some details about how atomic clocks work and how they are used.