Barbot 2013 was covered in Popular Science this week, and Drink Making Unit 2.1 made an appearance in the accompanying photo gallery.
Barbot 2013 was covered in Popular Science this week, and Drink Making Unit 2.1 made an appearance in the accompanying photo gallery.
Here are a few of the robots in attendance at BarBot 2013:
Schrödinger’s Martini, in which the amount of vermouth is indeterminate until box is opened and the drink observed.
Thinbot, pouring impeccably mixed drinks with style.
Manhattan Project and Mai Tai Project.
Outta Time, with a new LED lit control panel.
Tipsy Bot, using Legos to tip ingredients into your glass.
Our very own Drink Making Unit 2.1.
SW500 500SW (5:00 Somewhere) became affectionately known as Drink Drink Revolution or Dance Dance Intoxication. It judged your dancing skills and served you a drink thematically appropriate to your style.
Santa Barbot mixes drinks with super soaker components.
Not all the robots were serving drinks, and this lampshade-wearing robot seemed like it may have had a few too many.
No party is complete without R2D2, who wasn’t being used as a roving drink tray, since there were plenty of other robots to serve the humans.
Updated Nov. 9 to correct 500SW’s name.
The first night of Barbot is over, but there’s still one more night to go! Drink Making Unit 2.1 made a successful first public debut. Its “Vodka” switch was a hit, and it was perhaps the only bot that was able to pour non-alcoholic beverages. We managed to get a few pictures from the event before it got too crowded and have published them in a flickr set. Shown above is the control panel for Outta Time, illuminated with some of our very own LEDs.
Tickets for tonight’s event (ages 21+) are still available.
BarBot, the premier cocktail robotics event, is this weekend, October 25-26 at the Odd Fellows Hall in San Francisco. Tickets are on sale now (ages 21+ only).
We’ll be bringing Drink Making Unit 2.1, with its new vodka switch and peristaltic pump.
BarBot 2013 has just been announced: the event will be at the Odd Fellows Hall in San Francisco on October 25-26 and tickets are on sale. Registration for robots is also open— there’s still time to get your cocktail robot ready!
While we are better known for other types of art robots (like the Eggbot and now the WaterColorBot), we have also been involved with cocktail robotics for the past few years.
After a half-dozen cocktail robotics event over the past couple of years, we’ve had a chance to refit our famous bar-bot, Drink Making Unit 2.0, with a few well-earned upgrades. Read on for the gory details!
RoboGames is now accepting registration for the 2013 competition which will be taking place on April 19-21 in San Mateo, California. Registration deadline is April 1. They’ve also put out a call for papers, demos and talks for the academic symposium with a submission deadline of March 16.
Another related— and very important —event to register for now is BarBot, which will be held in San Francisco on March 1-2. This cocktail robotics exhibition is an amazing amount of fun, and serves as a fundraiser for RoboGames. Registration ends on February 22 for BarBot entries, so it’s now time to get to work on your advanced fluid handling systems!
At RoboGames, robot builders are rockstars and heroes. It’s one of the few places in our society where engineering and technical ingenuity is exalted in a way that is usually reserved for sports and movie stars. It is open to anyone to participate, and the community of robot builders is incredibly welcoming. They provide huge amounts of information and advice to new and experienced robot builders. There are over 50 different events to compete in, so there is a robot type for everyone. And it’s not just combat: There’s robot soccer and sumo, navigation and weightlifting, painting and climbing, firefighting and hockey, maze solving, and the all-important bartending event.
If you have ever thought about building a robot, now is the time. Build your bot and bring it to RoboGames, and maybe soon you’ll be the one autographing robot parts for admiring fans!
Update 1/23/2013: BarBot tickets are now on sale!
Photo credits: Last Rites and the Electric Boogaloo by Annie Blumenberg (CC-BY-ND), Yellow art robot by Patrick Giblin (CC-BY-NC).
BarBot 2012 was a blast! Drink Making Unit 2.0 behaved like a champ, as usual. Our friends over at Make have posted some pictures from Friday and more pictures and video from Saturday. Thanks to all the people and robots who came out for the fun!
Photo credit: Kipp BradfordThis Friday and Saturday we’ll be at BarBot 2012 with Drink Making Unit 2.0.
The event is March 2-3, 8 pm to 12 am at PariSoma and is for ages 21+. Get your advance tickets soon as they are nearly sold out!
It’s National Robotics Week, and for us that means RoboGames!
BarBot 2011 gave us just a taste of what is to come this weekend at the huge international robotics competition in San Mateo. We rounded up some video links of Drink Making Unit 2.0:
Lots of the BarBot partygoers posted photos to flickr too, including a huge set from Spaceman Sam and lots more from ekai, nicolecwong, ninaviss, hackmancoltaire, k0re, shifzr and amyr_81.
We’ll be at RoboGames all weekend, participating in the symposium and selling a few choice kits and components. So get your tickets now! If you’re not in the bay area check the National Robotics Week event listingsto find an event near you.
Photo from BarBot 2011 by Samuel Coniglio.