Summer is here, and with it, the advancing aqueous arms race! Squirt cannons, water balloon launchers, and myriad other technologies for soaking your fellow citizens.
One of the classic squirt mechanisms is the “water weenie,” where the water is stored under pressure in a length of elastic tubing, and the force to eject the water is provided by the restoring force of that tubing. Often the elastic tubing is a simple length of latex “surgical” tubing, or in the case of the classic Wham-O Water Wiennie, a literal rubber balloon. While people have almost certainly been squirting each other with these things since (we’re guessing about ten minutes after) the invention of the water balloon, the technology has more recently been reinvented as the “constant pressure system” used in modern high-end water guns.
Here is our take on the water weenie: How to make your own high-performance, arbitrary-capacity squirt machine, starting with basic hardware. Our 10′ version shown above— which you can lift if you’re strong! —throws water up to 25 feet and can empty over ten gallons of water onto your target in one continuous shot. And of course, you can make it bigger if you want to.
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