Tag Archives: humor

Book review: Sticker Nation by Srini Kumar

Sticker Nation - 1

For years we’ve admired the brilliant stickers, buttons, and shirts produced by Unamerican Activities (“quality rebellion at affordable prices”). So, when we came across a whole book about the stickers for $15 at Amazonwe though it was pretty sweet.
But what really sealed the deal was that we realized that it wasn’t just a book about the stickers but a book of stickers— 432 sweet stickers for fifteen bucks.
Continue reading Book review: Sticker Nation by Srini Kumar

Some hands on time with the iPhone


As a popular technology blog headquartered in Silicon Valley, we were lucky enough to get a chance to try out the final shipping version of the iPhone this week.

If you think that it looks somewhat different from the pre-release versions of the iPhone that were shown off at MacWorld, you’re right: Unlike those, this isn’t a prototype; it’s a genuine released product from Apple.
Continue reading Some hands on time with the iPhone

Quips, Quirks and Quarks

In the mid 1990’s, many things were considered socially acceptable that no longer are. Among these are jokes about Lorena Bobbitt and/or Tonya Harding, anything having to do with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and internet humor mailing lists. I am guilty of the latter: From 1994 to 1997 I ran a daily humor mailing list called Quips, Quirks & Quarks, or more commonly QQQ.

The archives of QQQ are on one of my “old” web pages, where you can peruse this vast nearly-organized trove of treasure and trash. The quality of the material varies greatly, and the presentation is an excellent example of web 1.0 (or maybe 0.8 beta) design ethic.

Here are some samples from the collection:

  • From the collection of Quips (the jokes):
    • My wife is very immature– Just tell me if this doesn’t sound immature.
      She’ll barge right into the bathroom when I’m in the tub and sink all
      of my boats!
    • “Doctor, is it really true that eating carrots improves ones eyesight?”
      “Of course. Have you ever seen rabbits wearing glasses?”
  • From the collection of Quirks (the weird):
    • Hi-Tech Haiku:
      the sand remembers
      once there was beach and sunshine
      but chip is warm too
    • roses are red
      violets are blue
      some poems rhyme
      and some don’t


  • From the collection of Quarks (the nerdy):
    • Q: What do you do with 56 dead protons?
      A: Barium.
    • Q: Why won’t feminists use Unix?
      A: There aren’t any woman pages.


  • From the collection of One liners:
    • Asking if computers can think is like asking if submarines can swim.
    • Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.



(Lego) Life on the moon

My little sister Lauren, a member of the Evil Mad Scientists Junior Auxiliary, sent in these pictures of her Lego astronauts kicking back and enjoying life… on the moon. It looks like they’ve had to restrain themselves with some lunar spider webs to avoid trouble due to the low gravity. The combination of open goblets with the space helmets is a nice surreal touch.

State resident names, corrected.

You may have seen the list of state resident names. It’s a big list that tells you that a person from Texas is called a Texan, a person from California is called a Californian, and so on. However, you know and I know that there’s something wrong with the list; it just seems artificial. It’s like someone filled in the obvious ones (Iowan…) and then made up the rest.

Here, I present my corrected version of the fifty US state resident names.

Continue reading State resident names, corrected.